PGG Wrightson Seeds are professionals in the multiplication of seed in NZ, with over 25 years’ experience multiplying a wide range of forage, amenity and vegetable seed. We provide counter-season multiplication in a Southern Hemisphere environment.
Starting with pasture forage and amenity seed, our business has rapidly expanded into vegetables, while retaining a nucleus of forage and amenity production.
In vegetable seed production, our experience is in Radish, Oil Seed Rape, Chinese Cabbage, Chinese Pak Choi, Spinach, Red Beets, Swiss Chard, Carrots, Chinese Kale, Cabbage, Peas, Wild Rocket, Corn Salad, Chinese Mustard, Forage Rape, Kale and Swedes.
Forage species such as Perennial and Italian Ryegrass, Tall Fescue, Cocksfoot, White Clover and amenity Ryegrasses and Fescue are all grown annually.
We also have a range of Garden Pea cultivars, click here to learn more.